DOT-6, Bench collaborate on promotional campaign

Posted by watchmen
February 7, 2019


The Department of Tourism-Region VI (DOT-6) and retail company Bench have collaborated on a promotional campaign, with a recent summer-themed photo shoot taking place in Boracay.

“One of the thrusts of the DOT is to promote tourism as a major socio-economic activity,” explained DOT-6 director, Atty. Helen J. Catalbas. “[A] partnership with the private sector is an effective strategy to boost tourism destinations.”

The photo shoot featured sites on the island including Diniwid Beach, Balinghai Beach, Ilig- Iligan Beach, White Beach, the Ati Village, Bom Bom Bar, and Maya’s Restaurant.

DOT-6 recently launched their “Be A Responsible TOURIST” advocacy, which seeks to maintain and preserve local tourism destinations, along with culture and heritage.

“Tourism activities should be in line and conducted in harmony with respect for our laws, practices, and customs,” Catalbas said. “Starting this conscious effort to encourage our tourists to travel responsibly will be beneficial and will affect the sustainability of destinations in the Western Visayas and other destinations in the country.”/WDJ


DOT-6 and retail company Bench have collaborated on a promotional campaign, with a summer-themed photo shoot taking place in Boracay recently. Among the sites featured in the shoot include the Ati Living Heritage Center.

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