Diocese opposes lowering the age of criminal liability

Posted by watchmen
January 25, 2019
Posted in HEADLINE

Gonzales: Criminal minors are ‘the real victims’


By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga


The Diocese of Bacolod Social Action Center (SAC) yesterday expressed opposition to the bill passed before the House of Representatives seeking to lower the age of criminal liability.

SAC head, Rev. Fr. Chris Gonzales, said they do not deny that some minors nowadays are problematic and engaged, or being used, in criminal activity such as theft, illegal drugs, and other crimes. However, he said, “You can only be held liable for something if you have full knowledge.”

The SAC head added, “It is the reason why minors are not allowed to vote during elections since they lack reason and they do not have full judgment.”

“My argument over this is, if a nine year old is held liable for a crime because he has full judgment, then all nine-year-old minors should be allowed to vote or enter into a contract,” Gonzales went on to explain.

He said parents or guardians should be held liable, calling criminal minors “the real victims.”

The diocese official also said criminality is a side effect of mass media, particularly, accessibility to pornography.

“What are we doing about this?” he asked. “We should be responsible enough to own for our mistakes.”

Last Monday, the House of Representatives Committee on Justice approved a bill that would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 15 years old to nine years old.

However, a subsequent regular session held by the House of Representatives on Wednesday amended the proposed bill and the age of criminal responsibility was raised to 12 years old.

Former Department of the Interior and Local Government Secretary Rafael Alunan III also voiced the same opinions, asserting, “There are no delinquent children, only delinquent parents.”/DGB, WDJ

SAC head, Rev. Fr. Chris Gonzales, said criminality among minors is a side effect of mass media, particularly, accessibility to pornography. He also called criminal minors “the real victims.” (Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga photo)


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