Today is World Toilet Day

Posted by watchmen
November 20, 2018
The United Nations recognizes November 19 as World Toilet Day, an observance dedicated to tackling the ongoing “global sanitation crisis.”
According to their website, regular exposure to human feces can cause a “devastating impact upon public health, living and working conditions, nutrition, education and economic productivity across the world.”
The UN hopes member-states focus on providing more toilets and sanitation systems, in an effort to end open defecation.
They also suggest developing “nature-based sanitation solutions,” including composting latrines.
Earlier this year,  Ivisan, Capiz was officially declared a zero open defecation municipality, part of a campaign to promote proper hygiene and sanitation practices in order to prevent the spread of disease.
The locality became the fourth town in the province to receive the distinction./WDJ

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