“…Train the child in the way that he should go, and he will never depart from it if he grows old…” –Proverbs 22:6
Filipino lawmakers are either hardheaded or just have low IQs when it comes to the matter of children’s welfare. President Rodrigo Duterte recently disparaged Senator Francis Pangilinan and his Juvenile Justice Law, which, according to the president, is the principal reason why Filipino kids are no longer disciplined. Yet, shortly after his criticism, lawmakers are currently pursuing even more legislation to encourage undisciplined behavior, including the prohibition of physical punishment.
Filipino kids are already bold and hardened criminals, particularly because of Pangilinan’s law, which absolves minors of criminal liability. Now, disciplining them will become a punishable offense? Such policies will inspire for Filipino youths to commit criminal activity.
More values, less freedom
Lawmakers should focus their concerns on promoting more honest-to-goodness discipline of children, including bringing good manners and right conduct back to schools and homes.
Since the government ditched teaching such curriculum, coupled with Pangilinan’s law, many kids have permanently descended into shameful depths of criminality – something that has become apparent from the multitudes of social media videos depicting children committing crimes in board daylight. However, how does one impart proper principles and spiritual learning when parents themselves lack discipline? Clearly, the first step in teaching children virtues begins at home.
I have said repeatedly in this column, our elected officials, the president included (whomever it may be), must immediately work on bring back a fear and love of God – regardless of religious affiliation. If people develop a genuine love and fear of God in their hearts, they will share such values with family, friends, and all whom they associate with; who, in turn, will do the same thing – only then will there be true change.
Following God’s commands, especially the one to love Him with all one’s heart, mind, strength, and soul, will lead to dealing with one’s fellow man cordially.
In a society where no one desires to put themselves over another, the march towards success would be inevitable.
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