Tomorrow, Friday are special non-working holidays
All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, which fall on November 1 and on November 2, respectively, are special non-working holidays according to Presidential Proclamation No. 269, signed last year by President Rodrigo Duterte, which formally declared holidays observed in the Philippines for 2018.
According to the proclamation, both days are considered times to “strengthen family ties.”
Incidentally, All Souls’ Day was only implemented as an “additional” day as All Saints’ Day was already declared a special non-working holidays. The extra day is intended to extend the time spent with family.
Meanwhile, special non-working holidays also come with adjusted pay schedules.
Those working are entitled to 30 percent of their regular pay for the first eight hours, along with an additional 30 percent for work in excess of the ascribed time period./WDJ