Weak leadership means a weak nation

Posted by watchmen
September 3, 2018
Posted in OPINION

How was the Philippines under past presidential administrations? Observers believe the country under Presidents Corazon Aquino, Fidel V. Ramos, Joseph Estrada, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and Benigno S. Aquino III was “just fine.” What is the meaning of “fine?” A group of retirees tackled the issue over coffee recently and they believe past leadership was “very passive.” 

A retired teacher said, “A lot of things were kept out of discussion by national leaders to avoid conflict with other countries.”

“This country favors the American leadership, even petroleum giants, that is why fuel-saving devices and inventions were not pushed by government,” they added.

A retired banker said nobody talked about the spread of illegal drugs before as many assumed the trade was taken care of by political kingpins.

“Why is it, only under the present administration, the proliferation of illegal drugs was found to be an unexplainable problem?” they asked. “We were made to believe by past leadership that our country was a clean and honest one.”

A retired lawyer insisted past administrations had different interests.

“It is clear that drugs of enormous quantity were already in the countryside,” they explained. “Politicians did not find the fight against illegal drugs a priority in nation building.”

“They were more interested on their personal gains,” the lawyer added.

“The current president is talkative – and offensive,” the teacher pointed out. “In the past, they talked by the book; today, leadership hits anyone deserving if a scolding.”

They added, “Since his acts are published on social media, along with print and broadcast media, he received more comments from the public.

“This is also true on the city and municipal level,” a retired priest added.

He explained, a community in disarray is evidence of a mayor not performing.

“Only cities and towns with ‘no-nonsense’ leaders are bound to improve their environment, and peace and order,” the priest added.

“The sad state voters are in during local elections is something to ponder,” the lawyer responded. “Politicians believe in so-called vote-buying – in a real sense of the word.”



This column greets Bacolod City Police Office director, Police Senior Superintendent Francisco Ebreo; Atty. Sedfrey Cabaluna; Department of Tourism-Region VI director, Atty. Helen J. Catalbas; Megaworld Corporation Senior Assistant Vice President Harold Geronimo; Dial Jardeleza; Joeboy Agriam; Ronnie Gabalda; and Junjun Martir./WDJ

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