DOE offers tips on electricity during flooding

Posted by watchmen
August 23, 2018

The Department of Energy (DOE) offered tips for the public regarding electricity matters during flooding. The Public Information Agency yesterday posted a flyer on social media from the government agency with advice primarily pertaining to ways of avoiding possible electrocution.

Among the suggestions include shutting off electricity if forced to evacuate; upon return, make sure the route is clear of debris as there may be downed electrical wires; and be aware of plugged-in devices when switching electricity back as it may result in an electric shock.

They also offered preparation tips, including moving electrical devices to a higher place if flooding is imminent and to always ensure flashlights are functioning.

Amid the ongoing rainy season, flooding has been prevalent throughout Negros Occidental as of late. Flooded roads in Bacolod City have caused traffic congestion and stranded pedestrians, along with evacuations that took place in Pontevedra earlier this month./WDJ



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