Water is life

Posted by watchmen
August 3, 2018
Posted in OPINION

The destruction of watersheds is primarily attributed to human behavior. Around the world, especially throughout Africa and third world countries, there is a water supply shortage resulting from abuses to their sources.

One contributing factor is an increased population, which increases demand. In rural areas of developing countries, they need simple methods of securing potable water to satisfy their needs; with sources including rainwater, ground water, or spring and surface water.

Groundwater is, by far, the most practicable choice but how safe is our water? In Bacolod City, people seldom drink directly from the faucet, despite the Bacolod City Water District (Baciwa) insisting it is safe.

In 10 years, Bacolod City will face water supply problems. In fact, Baciwa is currently working with a contractor for a bulk water supply but, it is it really the answer?

Talking with Bago City Engineer Asel Ganancial, who is in charge of the city’s water supply system, the ongoing water supply project is operating at a “minimal cost” of around P1 million, depending on the distance the water has to travel. He explained, one water system can accommodate up to 300 households with free connections to individual households. Those living in puroks will be able to access potable drinking water in the comfort of their home.

The Bago City water supply system project is very commendable. Their city government is really aware of the basic needs for their constituents.

In Bacolod City, I don’t know if there is an institutionalized project similar to this. Unlike before, hand pumps were sprouting up everywhere as politicians waged war – more hand pumps means more votes.

Bago City shows anything can be done, even with meager resources, as long as the public officials have the tenacity to fulfill their promises. Good leadership is the key to implementing needed reforms, including basic needs./WDJ


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