“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” –Booker T. Washington
Does the bad blood between former Lambunao Mayor Vicente ‘Bugok’ Ramirez and Jason Gonzales, the current mayor, and Reynor Gonzales, the latter’s father and also a former mayor, transcend politics? The question arose since, shortly after buzz surrounding the disqualification case Ramirez filed against the current mayor regarding residency simmered down (the younger Gonzales has since appealed the decision before the Commission on Elections earlier this year), the former mayor came out swinging anew.
Ramirez, through a complaint filed last week, is now calling for the Office of the Ombudsman to look into “unliquidated” cash advances by the Gonzaleses, which, as of 2016, is said to total P8.983 million. According to reports, he previously filed similar complaints against the elder Gonzales in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
However, regardless of the effort put forward by Ramirez to paint the Gonzaleses as bad guys, a majority of town residents believe otherwise. I have yet to meet a Lambunao resident who will say (even under strict confidentiality) Mayor Jason Gonzales is corrupt and inept.
Some observers, meanwhile, particularly those living in Lambunao, believe Ramirez may merely be “politicking.”
While there is no law prohibiting him from peppering officials with Ombudsman cases, the fact that he has identified the Gonzales pair as the “whipping boys” of the town makes everything look like a charade.
If Gonzales opponents believe they have a “smoking gun” against their target, they should not allow Ramirez to be the lone “shooter.” In order to make their argument more credible, let other personalities (those who can enter the court with clean hands) file cases instead of the recycled, overused, and tainted Ramirez.
Ramirez’ goal is to have the younger Gonzales criminally and administratively charged in violation of Articles 217 and 218 of Act 3815, or the Revised Penal Code. Those provisions apply to dishonesty, gross misconduct, conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service, and grave abuse of authority. Among others on the former mayor’s list include the Lambunao municipal accountant, municipal treasurer, individual officials and/or employees granted the unliquidated cash advances, signatories to the obligation request, and other public officials and employees who signed the disbursement vouchers and other supporting documents.
Reports suggest, however, the incumbent mayor is prepared to face the accusations.
Like many soccer fans, we continue to follow the ongoing 2018 FIFA World Cup.
With Argentina and Germany being shown the door, all matches are getting exciting.
My eyes are always on Croatia, Spain, and Belgium. I hope to see one of the three in the finals./WDJ