“…Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed…” –2 Thessalonians 3:14
Sorry to say it but no good will come of the four-man committee created by President Rodrigo Duterte to talk and “smooth things out” with religious leaders if he continues to be brusque, using curses and profanity, and publicly criticizing religious groups, particularly the Roman Catholic church.
The president must first endeavor to change his ways.
He must stop using curses against mothers who have gone wayward and engaging in coarse humor, and realize Filipinos, who appear to approve of his antics, are actually horrified by what they hear and see. Yes, while on the campaign trail, Duterte warned to accept him for what he really is, and 16 million of his countrymen showed their acceptance; but the process of acceptance should be mutual – it’s a matter of give and take.
Speaking, behaving, and appearing presidential
The president must accept the fact that he has been president since 2016 – he is no longer an ordinary mayor of an ordinary city – and because he is now in command of the highest position in the country, it is his obligation to think, speak, behave, and appear to be the highest officer of this free nation.
He must work to be presidential at all times and understand, given his position, his thoughts, speech, behavior, and appearance not only affect himself but 110 million Filipinos (including numerous people of faith).
Religious leaders may not want to confer with the committee
If these attempts to transform himself from a standard politician to a president, I believe no religious leader in their right mind would even meet with the committee. Why would they talk if the attacks against their faith continues? What good would come from a dialogue if the president persists in uttering invectives against Christian churches?
The Bible commands against associating with those who disobey the commands.
If Duterte honestly wants to smooth things out with religious groups, he should start by forcing himself to be presidential and respectful, especially in recognizing the freedom of religion. Perhaps believers have yet to be convinced to rise up, but unceasing prayer, even in the silence of their hearts, can invoke fear in those who lambast their doctrine and teachings without good reason.
FOR QUESTIONS, REACTIONS: If anyone would like to ask me any question about what the burning issues of the day mean, what we have discussed here, or to consult any problem, whatever it maybe, please call 0917-984-2468, email me at batasmauricio@yahoo.com, or post your concerns at facebook.com/attybatas. Promise, I will answer right away. Thank God in the Name of Jesus, Amen!/WDJ