Kabankalan City food stall robbed

Posted by watchmen
June 25, 2018

By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga


A food stall selling roast chicken along Guanzon Street in Barangay 3, Kabankalan City was robbed at knifepoint over the weekend.

Police identified the victim as 23-year-old Kim Rico, a cashier for the Andok’s Lechon Manok branch in the said city.

Based on information provided by Rico, while he was working at the counter, two unidentified men arrived.

One of the men remained outside, while the other entered the establishment and immediately held Rico at knifepoint, declaring a hold-up.

The suspect carted away P6,000 in cash before exiting with the other individual, who supposed served as lookout.

Police are presently conducting a follow-up operation against the suspects./DGB, WDJ

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