Speaking during the Independence Day observance earlier this week in Victorias City, Negros Occidental third district Rep. Alfredo Benitez called on city residents to make their locality not only a “premier city” of the province, but of the entire country.
He pointed out a need to focus on developing the younger generation.
It was earlier reported, Victorias City was named a host city in the Negros Occidental third congressional district for the Teach for the Philippine (TFP) program, which provides leadership development through a teaching-learning system.
Through the program, Victorias National High School will host Jesson Ordaneza of the University of the Philippines-Mindanao, Jonalyn Pattalitan of Sto. Rosario Sapang Palay College, Inc.; and Cecile June Mallones of West Visayas State University.
In addition to the holiday observance, the city also inducted 21 new barangay captains.
Benitez, alongside Victorias City Mayor Francis Francis Frederick Palanca, served as inducting officers.