LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans…” (Proverbs 16:3, the Holy Bible).
EX CAPT. GAUDENCIO SUNGA, 73, A PILLAR BRGY. SAN MIGUEL, MEXICO, PAMPANGA: Mr. Gaudencio Sunga of Brgy. San Miguel, Mexico, Pampanga is one of the former village chiefs of their locality who is until now valued by his constituents for his opinions on a lot of things, one of which pertains to his perception that more Filipinos nowadays have become shamelessly selfish. Although he is already 73 years old, he is still being tapped as an adviser of the present barangay captain.
I happened to be with Capt. Sunga on Tuesday, May 08, 2018, at a court hearing at the Mexico Municipal Trial Court and, later in the day, at the house of a common friend, Mr. Roberto Ibe, where we were both invited to partake of the fiesta delicacies—stewed native duck, pork menudo, shrimps, and blanched vegetables dipped in a local Kapampangan delicacy called “buro” among others— they prepared for their barangay fiesta on that day (see photos at
In the course of our discussions, I saw an overriding concern on his part where the Philippines might be headed just several years from now, in the face of what he said was an emerging yet clear culture of selfishness on the part of many of our countrymen, mainly pushing and working only for their own personal, family and political, interests, above everything else.
OLD FOLKS WORRIED ABOUT FILIPINOS’ CULTURE OF SELF-INTEREST: Mr. Sunga surely is not alone in perceptions like this. Many from the older generation of Filipinos are also worried that more and more Filipinos are steadily shedding godliness and patriotism. And they are aware of the dangers that this kind of selfishness is sure to bring about, especially in fomenting dissension and outright discord among the citizenry.
Many senior citizens have come to be comparing this brewing dissension and discord among Filipinos to the curses which God in the olden times threw against the men and women who tried to put up a tower that would reach the gates of heaven—the one they would call the Tower of Babel. Because of God’s anger against the people who seemed to have desired putting themselves at par with God, He allowed them to fight with one another, and be deprived of understanding.
This ended up in the people’s destruction, and the destruction as well of the tower they wanted to reach the sky with. From the point of view of Filipino senior citizens, it would seem that the same kind of Biblical discord is striking the Philippines right now, particularly among the governing or ruling class. There is fear that this dissension and discord of our leaders would similarly result in the crushing and total destruction of our country.
CHANGE MUST START IN, NOT OF, MEN: Mr. Sunga and I discussed possible solutions to this problem—what should Filipinos do, and when should they act, to resolve the country’s problem of self-interest among its citizens.
And was I surprised that we both were led to a point which was somehow discussed among the people who attended the wake of my mother—that the country’s problems could be solved only if Filipinos would undergo a personal change in their hearts, minds, soul and spirit, towards recognizing and honoring God in their minds, speech, actions, and appearance.
Mr. Sunga and I were one in the perception that the one important change that the country needs today is not the change promised, or sponsored, by any politician or government official, but a change in each Filipino citizen himself or herself, a change that would compel him to recognize and honor God in his thoughts, speech, actions, and appearance. Then and only then would beneficial change can truly come about!
If anyone would like to ask me any question about what the burning issues of the day mean, or what we have discussed here, or to consult on any problem, whatever it maybe, please call 0917 984 24 68, or email me at, or post your concerns at Promise, I will answer right away. Thank God in the Name of Jesus, Amen!/WDJ