Kakampi Mo Ang Batas
Atty. Batas Mauricio
“…For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone…” –Romans 14:7
The $64 million question regarding allegations Ben and Erwin Tulfo used P60 million in advertising fees from the Department of Tourism (DOT) for their programs on People’s Television Network (PTV), a government-run television network, is, were there any laws violated? Critics claim the payments reek with anomaly, considering the DOT is headed by their sister, Wanda Tulfo-Teo. They say the use of funds was a “big favor” accrued by their family.
If we’re talking about the law, it would be clear that no rules or regulations were violated. Why do I say this? The two did not directly transact with their sister or the DOT.
No direct contract
Under RA 3019, or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, graft is defined as a favor given to relatives by an officer or employee of the government through the discharge of his or her official duties and responsibilities. Looking at the case, the question is looking at a government official, Secretary Tulfo-Teo, and her brothers, Ben and Erwin Tulfo. Did Tulfo-Teo directly contact with the two in connection to the advertising fees? The answer is no.
In fact, DOT contracted with different party; while the brothers contracted with another. According to evidence released by the DOT secretary yesterday, DOT entered into an agreement PTV and not the brothers or their company. This proves no law was violated. In addition, Ben and Erwin Tulfo contracted with PTV and not the DOT.
The government benefitted
Tulfo critics will claim the contract should be have been completed in the first place, even if it did not violate any law, it would not be looked kindly upon, or sit well with, observers. Truthfully, there are many government contracts that are not looked kindly upon, or sit well with, citizens, but they manage to yield beneficial results.
The contract between DOT and PTV was intended to help the network increase its financial capabilities. Since PTV is a government entity, it does not enjoy advertising support the way a private TV station does. The contract may have even stipulated the network devoted the advertising fund to its programming, which has been high in the ratings, to attract even more viewers.
PTV knows the Tulfo brothers enjoy popular support compared to other shows, making it both a wise and natural decision that DOT funds be channeled to their show. In the end, DOT and PTV enjoy greater advantages.
If anyone would like to ask me questions about the burning issues of the day, what we have discussed here, or to consult on a problem, please call 0917-984-2468, email at batasmauricio@yahoo.com, or post your concerns at facebook.com/attybatas. Promise, I will answer right away. Thank God in the Name of Jesus, Amen!/WDJ