The Working Man

Posted by watchmen
May 2, 2018
Posted in OPINION

Today is Labor Day, the nationwide celebration often observed with rallies from radical groups trying to protect workers’ rights and, at times, condemning entrepreneurs and investors. However, we must recall, without these entrepreneurs and investors, there would be no jobs. For employers that comply with labor laws, it is unfair to them when labor groups and unions continue to make demands.

Investing millions of pesos without any guarantee of a return is no joke. Before businessmen take their share, they are obliged to pay their workers first, along with committing to loans and other overhead costs. This is the difficult situation employers are in.



Job fairs will be held across the country today, offering opportunities for both first-time workers and experienced workers looking to fulfill a dream. It is important, once hired, to protect their work and comply by the obligations of their employer. If one takes their job for granted and is fired, there are thousands waiting to take that spot.

Whenever I conduct job interview, I always talk to applicants this way: If you are hired, thank yourself; but when you are not hired, blame yourself – that is how life is.



With no work during the holiday, some are headed for the beach, some to the local mall to spend a fortune, and other stay at home. Whatever your way of observing the occasion, use Labor Day as your day of relaxation.



In May, there will be many fiestas and Santa Cruzans.



This column greets Maui Espejo, Francis Chu, Pyt Trimanez, Bong Dilag, Tony Cacho, Danny Dangcalan, Joe Uytiepo, Boy and Mila Drilon, Wilson Chong, and Joy Jimenez./WDJ

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