Benevolence is a lost word

Posted by watchmen
March 26, 2018
Posted in OPINION

Once, I got into a discussion with my Spiritual Director, I call him such simply because he acts like one and maybe he acts like one because I treat him like one. I would often ask him questions about certain matters that confuse me the most.

From my mundane human interactions to my most profound spiritual awakenings, I run to him in search of wisdom or sometimes, just to affirm what I already know but couldn’t quite be sure of.  And one time, we were able to touch the topic of governance. I do not remember our exchange in verbatim, but I do remember asking him if he believes that Communism would succeed in the end or if Democracy is indeed a good form or government.

He told me, that his belief is a bit different. He worries not about the form of government a nation must follow, but about the heart of its leaders. According to him, regardless of the form of government, if the heart and character of a nation’s leader are not sculpted in benevolence, then any nation could suffer, still.

I was a bit disappointed, not with the Padre as I found that I actually do agree with him. I was disappointed because I had hoped that he would actually agree with me. After all, Communism would promote economic equality, and I am under the impression that if we all have access to food, shelter, clothing, education and all other basic necessities, then perhaps this world would be a better place.

In addition to that, I also see a bit of resemblance to certain ideals of Communism with the teachings of Jesus Christ. And being that he was a priest, I thought he might agree. But he had a different perspective, and I ended up agreeing with him instead.

Indeed, it matters not whether we’d be Democratic or Socialist as a nation. You see, I dread dictatorship and couldn’t stand even just the thought of it being our form of government once again but, if a benevolent leader is placed in power, even a nation with a dictatorship form of government could still succeed. There may still be equal chances for everyone and progress for the entire nation.

On the other hand, place a ruthless leader in power and even the most free nation could still suffer. There may be persecution and inequality still and that nation can still be steered towards its ruin.

I see the Padre’s point. This is why it is vital to hone hearts and not just minds because all of our leaders were once little children who had to be taught what was kind and what was unkind. They were all little children who had to be taught to distinguish good from evil.

Now they’re all grown men and women leading a nation, like a grown tree, it is hard to straighten what has stayed bent for so long. And I look at every leader we have, and they all exude this vibe that lets you know they think they will always be in power. And that’s just sad. They do not care about being a bit more benevolent in their thoughts, their words, and their ways.

I guess when you are in power it is easy to overlook things that matter most.

Benevolence is really a lost word among our government leaders.

I hope they take the Holy Week as a time to reflect on the things they have done, a time to examine their conscience and see if they are still steering the nation towards the greater good or the greater ruin./WDJ

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