“During my days of deepest grief, in all of my shock, sorrow and struggle, I sat at the feet of God. I literally spent hours each day reading God’s word, meditating on scripture and praying. I intentionally spent a significant amount of time being still before God.” –Rick Warren
Only a handful of people know the weight being carried nowadays by our senior media colleague, Mr. Herbert Vego, inside his heart and mind.
I learned about this “weight” buried deep inside Mr. Vego’s heart and mind when I was in New Jersey in January this year.
Some of our friends who have seen Mr. Vego these past weeks, may have noticed something unsual in the way he speaks and the sadness that illuminates in his 68-year-old face.
It is the kind of grief we normally see in the face of a moribund man.
The kind of melancholy that can only be washed away by the Divine Intervention.
Thus the punches Mr. Vego absorbed on the face when he was attacked by barangay captain Sumakwel Nava in the coffeeshop of Hotel del Rio in Iloilo City on March 7 were peanuts compared to the real pain he has been concealing in his heart and mind these past two months.
Mr. Vego would probably be willing to take more of those punches and other physical “punishments” if they could only solve and instantly expunge the real thorn that has been tormenting his heart and mind since January this year.
If you will know what this problem is, you will probably embrace Mr. Vego instead of hurting him physically.
I would like to share this letter to Mr. Herbert Vego entitled “Daddy” by Mindy Pfankuch Pfankuch
You were one of the first I laid eyes on when I came into this world
I didn’t know you at first but you were my daddy and later to become my hero
You were one of the first I loved
I chose you over my pink stuffed bear
I loved how you’d pick my up and hug me I’d feel so secure
You’d lift me with one arm way above your head and play helicopter
As I started to grow you taught me to stand and walk
You’d guide me so carefully so I wouldn’t fall
Once I began to walk on my own you stood close by just in case I fell down
If I did you’d pick me up—
Wipe the tears off my face and kiss my pain away
Once I got older I didn’t need your help walking but I needed your love and time
We’d play basketball, if I couldn’t reach the basket you’d lift me up so I could—
Making me feel like I was number one
You taught me how to shoot a gun and to not be afraid
You always helped me find a car in my price range that I liked
You showed me how to change the oil in my car
I’m the only one of my friends that knows how, which make me feel smart
You’d do almost anything to see me happy
You always encourage me to try my best, and support me one hundred and ten percent
I’ve come to realize that I’m a lot like you
You help me realize common sense isn’t that common
You also taught me to be witty
I follow in your steps of being a smart aleck
You taught me how to deal with people and how to get what I want
And when ever some one says
You’re just like your dad I can’t help but smile and be proud
You’re not only my dad but you’re my hero
Dad even though I’m growing up I still need your loving bear hugs
And encouraging words of wisdom
Don’t forget I will always be your little baby girl
And you will always be my loving father and hero
I love you dad!
Love always Mindy/WDJ