Malay officials respond to Duterte with six month clean-up plan for Boracay

Posted by watchmen
February 28, 2018

By Paulo Loreto Lim


After President Rodrigo Duterte earlier referred to resort destination Boracay as a “cesspool” and ordered the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to get a handle of the ongoing pollution problem within six months or risk being shut down, the Malay municipal government, which has jurisdiction over the island, presented their six month clean-up plan yesterday.

Among the proposed actions includes a moratorium on new structures, a probe of businesses found to have illegal sewage connections, among other plans.

Following the DENR identifying over 300 establishments in violation of the easement policy, which requires establishments be built at least 30 meters away from the shoreline easement, or 30 meters from the shoreline high-water mark, the Malay municipal government said they would also continue demolishing such illegal structures.

Both Malay Mayor Ceciron Cawaling and Vice Mayor Abram Sualog said they would also push for a 12-meter road setback policy, which will regulate how far structures can be built from roadways on the island.

Meanwhile, the Boracay chapter of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Boracay Foundation, Inc. both endorsed the proposal. However, the latter previously responded to the president’s claims by calling him “misinformed,” saying, “Most of the island’s business establishments are strictly in compliance with prevailing ordinances and regulations.”/PLL, WDJ

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