The Iloilo City Social Welfare and Development Office is continuing to issue pensions for low-income senior citizens as part of their third to fourth quarter entitlements from 2017. The next phase of distributions are set to take place for eligible recipients living in the Mandurriao, Lapuz, and La Paz districts.
Local recipients from the Mandurriao district will be able to access their pensions today, February 13, at the Mandurriao Gym; while the Bo. Obrero Gym in the Lapuz district will serve as the venue for seniors living in the Lapuz and La Paz districts. Those from Lapuz are scheduled for tomorrow, February 14; and those from La Paz are slated for the following day, February 15.
A total P37 million pesos has been set aside in order to fund over 12,000 recipients with P3,000 each./WDJ