Barangay Camanjac earlier expressed opposition due to health concerns
By Paulo Loreto Lim
The planned sanitary landfill project in Dumaguete City’s Barangay Candau-ay recently received the endorsement of 29 out of 30 city barangays, based on an endorsement letter by the local Liga ng mga Barangay, which is led by Barangay Buñao Captain Lionel Banogon.
Barangay officials had previously voiced concern over the current open dumpsite in Barangay Candau-ay, citing a sanitary landfill as a better option.
However, last December, residents of Barangay Camanjac voiced their opposition to the project, citing health concerns as part of the proposed site would be in their community, 100 meters from a housing project and near the Ocoy River.
Barangay Camanjac was the one neighborhood that did not sign the endorsement.
Meanwhile, Dumaguete City Mayor Felipe Remollo expressed his appreciation for the endorsement./PLL, WDJ