Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Region VI (DENR-6) director Jim Sampulna noted the importance of protecting the Malandog River in Hamtic, Antique as the DENR presented its Malandog River Rehabilitation Plan earlier this week.
“We have to protect and conserve the river, not only [for] historic reasons, but because of its scenic view,” he stressed.
Among the tasks involved in the program include the assessment of the river itself; an inventory of boats, structures, and informal settlers; preparations for dredging projects; among other items.
DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu initially ordered the project back in June of this year, following a visit to Iloilo, where he learned about the rehabilitation efforts made for the Iloilo River.
“I want to make the Iloilo River [a] model of how we can rehabilitate our rivers nationwide,” he noted./PLL, WDJ