Mequi: The Philippines lacks academics, scholars, scientists, leaders
By Jerome S. Galunan, Jr.
After a House of Representatives technical working group was tasked with creating the Department of Sports, a replacement of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC), former PSC chair, Dr. Perry Mequi, said the agency is not ready to transition.
“The Philippines lacks the [academics], scholars, researchers, technocrats, scientists, leaders, and managers with vision who will man the department,” he explained. “Where will you get the professionally-trained, competent and experienced people to staff the department?”
“We have failed to invest [in] human resources to man the Department of Sports,” Mequi added.
He cited China as an example, saying they have universities and colleges for physical education and sports.
“What [does] the Philippines have?” the former PSC chair asked. “How many Filipinos graduated of advanced degrees in physical education and sports?”
Instead of a new department, Mequi believes the government should strengthen the PSC by creating more positions for regional offices./JSG, WDJ