Following a fire that struck Sitio Langka, Barangay Benedicto in the Jaro district of Iloilo City earlier this month, Mayor Jose Espinosa III offered his appreciation for those who donated towards the relief efforts.
“We are thanking those who helped us, in any way, for the fire victims to start anew,” he said. “The city government really appreciates your help.”
Private citizens donated relief goods including food, water, clothes, hygiene kits, among other items.
In addition, the City Social Welfare and Development (CSWD) office released 73 sacks of rice; alongside 1,095 cans of sardines, beef loaf, pork and beans, and sausage.
Around 287 displaced individuals were housed at the Jaro Gym.
According to authorities, the incident originated at the home of Reynaldo Ledesma, which City Fire Marshal Bartolome Beliran attributed to electrical overloading due to the illegal tapping of electricity.
In addition, with the majority of homes made of light materials, it was easy for the fire to spread.
The Bureau of Fire and Protection (BFP) estimated total damages to be P4 million./WDJ