During a recent interview with the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), Melimar Sanogal of the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) discussed the importance of agri-tourism.
“Agri-tourism develops awareness in the community especially among those who are unfamiliar with the agriculture sector,” the OPA official said.
Sanogal noted, OPA has assisted farms, agricultural associations, and other relevant sectors when it comes to agri-tourism.
“We have been helping them in achieving balance and in the sustainable development of their sites through trainings and facilitating financial access,” said Sanogal.
Local sites considered agri-tourism destinations include Peñalosa Farms in Victorias City; May’s Organic Garden in Pahanocoy, Bacolod City; Buro-Buro Farm in Alangilan, Bacolod City; 26 Herbs, located along 6th Street in Bacolod City; Villarenia Family Farm in Patag, Silay City; Rapha Valley in Don Salvador Benedicto; Peace Pond in Binalbagan; Guerero Farm in Talisay City; Gawahon Farm in Victorias City; and the Mambukal Resort in Murcia./WDJ