While it is an amusing question, one must ask if it truly a part of Filipino culture?
Many would likely insist it is wrong; however, there are many instance that prove its accuracy.
Look at Filipinos on the road. Motorists complain about traffic jams, but it is not motorists who are creating this chaos? Drivers need to obey traffic laws.
Motorists also have a lot of learn about respecting pedestrian lanes. When vehicles idle on the pedestrian lane while waiting at a red light, it makes it difficult for pedestrians to cross.
Even if a road is marked “No Left Turn,” drivers find a way to defy instructions – even boasting about it to friends.
If a driver is reprimanded by a traffic enforcer, they argue – what kind of character is that?
When laws dictate motor vehicles must be registered, owners still find a way to complain. Then, when motorists are caught without it, they cry and beg to have the fines waived.
The same goes for the motorcyclist who has their side mirrors removed intentionally, and then cries when they are fined.
When speed limits are in place on the roads, drivers brag about exceeding it.
Many argue life in the Philippines is so miserable that they would rather disobey the law.
The way vendors sell along the side of the roads, intended for vehicles, and the city government is too hesitant to discipline them; or businessmen routinely bribing government agencies in order to violate national laws.
Filipino culture is much more focused on violating laws rather than adhering to them.
It has been one year since this new president initiated his platform to instill discipline among Filipinos.
Yet, despite the good intention of putting the country in order, many criticize the strict enforcement of laws.
Many in government (both past and present) do not like what the president is doing because they are used to abusing the government for money and power.
Previous leadership did not care about the illegal drug trade, now, with a president trying to save the lives of millions, here come the politicians complaining about the administration.
When will Filipinos learn to be obedient, disciplined, polite, courteous, cooperative, and better behaved? One must ask themselves if they are part of the solution or the problem.
This column greets Edwin Lizares, Ike Lizares, Amelito Lizares, Devi Novero, Renato Novero, Johnny Montalvo, Gerard Mora, Richard Oquendo, Roland Ramos, Ruben Tampos, Tima Lacson, Joy Jimenez, Doc Chris Sorongon, and Tata Lacson./WDJ