Education is a right, not a privilege

Posted by watchmen
July 18, 2017
Posted in OPINION
For decades, generations of youth activists have taken to the streets to fight for free education and were laughed at. Critics claimed they had nothing better to do than organize rallies.
Those jaded by life dismiss these activists as “rebels without a cause” and ask what these protesters have done for their country outside of complaining.
Many members of society (in particular, those living comfortable lifestyles) made the fight for free education appear to be a battle not worth fighting.
However, with the news saying “[a] measure providing free education in state universities and colleges (SUCs), local universities and colleges (LUCs) and technology-vocational schools is expected to be passed into law,” this is a what activists have been fighting for.
Once passed into law, education at these institutions will be free, with fees covered by the government.
Sometime in 2011, SUCs suffered budget cuts, but only “low performing” schools, or SUCs whose students do not perform as well as their more prestigious counterparts – like the University of the Philippines-Diliman.
I was still in college when this happened and I wrote about it in the school newspaper – I was furious. Regardless if a school is “high” or “low” performing, they should be provided a budget allocation from the government – more money can afford better teachers and facilities.
Joining a few rallies myself, I have witnessed the fight for free education.
However, despite the initial good news, many have taken to social media expressing their apprehension this may only be temporary.
We shall see next month.
Senator Aquino (a proponent of the measure) said, unless the president vetoes it or signs it, it will automatically become law on August 5./WDJ

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