Convenience store robbed in Pahanocoy

Posted by watchmen
June 28, 2017

By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

A convenience store along Araneta Highway, Barangay Pahanocoy, Bacolod City was robbed early Tuesday morning.
Police identified the victim as 25-year-old Janine Makilan, the Quick Grab Daily convenience store cashier on duty at the time.
A Police Station 8 (PS8) investigation revealed the suspect, described to be around five feet, five inches tall, entered the store around 4:40 a.m. and picked up a pack of noodles and an energy drink.
The suspect approached Makilan and asked for the price when he declared a hold-up by pointing a kitchen knife at the cashier.
The suspect forced his way into the cash register after Makilan refused to cooperate and opened the drawer, taking P800 in store earnings.
The unidentified suspect then exited the store, boarded his motorcycle, and left the area heading south towards Barangay Sum-ag.
PS8 is currently conducting an investigation into the identity of the suspect./WDJ

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