The Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Negros Island Region (DENR-NIR) recently hosted a two-day environment and national resources law training and workshop for forest rangers at the Nature’s Village Resort in Talisay City.
The program aimed to increase forest ranger competence on licensing regulations, timber inventory and scaling, relevant environmental laws and issuances, rules and procedures on summary administrative apprehensions and seizures, rules and regulations under the Green Court, the preparation of witness affidavits, the filing of inquest/regular filing in the prosecutor’s office, and the preparation of forms and reports.
Over 40 DENR personnel, including 25 forest rangers, took part in the event.
Forester Luisito Babaran; Chief of Licenses, Patents, and Deeds Division, Atty. Cheryll Rose Librero; and Atty. Lemuel Abastillas of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) of Negros Oriental served as trainers. /WDJ